Generate Hash Key Android Application Facebook
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- Generate Hash Key Android Application Facebook For Pc
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- Generating a Keystore and Key Hash for PhoneGap 05 Feb 2015 If you are receiving errors regarding an incorrect key hash when attempting to configure your PhoneGap application for use with the native Facebook Connect plugin ( com.phonegap.plugins.facebookconnect ) then we.
- Setting a Release Key Hash. To authenticate the exchange of information between your app and the Facebook, you need to generate a release key hash and add this to the Android settings within your Facebook App ID. Without this, your Facebook integration may not work properly when you release your app to the store.
- Nov 23, 2018 Generate Hash Key for Facebook and SHA-1 Key for Google Maps in Android Studio. Select the app module from module selection dropdown to run or debug your application; B) With Google Maps.
If you are receiving errors regarding an incorrect key hash when attempting to configure your PhoneGap application for use with the native Facebook Connect plugin (com.phonegap.plugins.facebookconnect) then we hope this guide will help you. Although aimed at PhoneGap applications in particular, the use of keystores and key hashes extends outward to all applications, whether written natively or not.
Any line breaks within the following commands should be ignored and are included for presentation purposes only.
Aug 29, 2015 I will Show you Today How to get Development Key Hashes and Release Key Hash for android app Facebook very easly Requirements 1) we need to know path of keytool.exe for me C:Program FilesJava. Find your Android Key Hash. Follow the steps here to find it: Log in to your Shopgate Admin page and navigate to Settings, then Facebook Login. In the Configuration section, click Show App Info to reveal your Android Key Hash. Enter your Key Hash at Facebook. Log into your Facebook Developer Account and select the Facebook App. Nov 23, 2018 There are a couple of ways to generate this: A) Faster way: Open Android Studio. Open your Project. Click on Gradle (From Right Side Panel, you will see Gradle Bar) Click on Refresh (Click on Refresh from Gradle Bar, you will see List Gradle scripts of your Project) Click on Your Project (Your Project Name from List (root)).
- OpenSSL (download here for Windows) (pre-packaged with OS X) – if you are running a 64-bit machine, make sure to grab the 64-bit binaries (x64).
- keytool – this is packaged as part of Java (download here)
- PhoneGap Facebook Connect plugin is configured correctly within your app’s codebase. This includes: adding the plugin to your local plugins repository, configuring the plugin with the necessary App ID and App Name values within config.xml, invoking somewhere the Facebook Login prompt from within your app by calling facebookConnectPlugin#login, and declaring the facebookConnectPlugin.js file as a script within index.html.
Generating a Keystore
<KEYSTORE_NAME> = the name of the keystore file to be generated
<ALIAS_NAME> = the alias of the keystore file
- Enter a password for the keystore.
- You will be asked for details such as your first and last name, the name of your organisation, etc. These details are not mandatory and can be left as ‘Unknown’, the default value assigned on pressing enter without input.
- Enter a password with which to protect the key. Press enter without input to assign the password used for the keystore.
The keystore file <KEYSTORE_NAME> will be saved to the local directory unless you explicitly specified a different location.
Retrieving Key Hash from a Keystore
This command will yield a 28 character hash. Use this in your Facebook app’s Settings page, as seen below:
Submitting Key Hash to a Facebook App
Copy and paste the hash that was generated from the last command and place it within the Key Hashes input:
Submit Keystore to PhoneGap/windows-7-ultimate-genuine-product-key-generator-download.html.
To add a keystore to your PhoneGap account follow these steps:
- Log in to PhoneGap at
- Go to
- Click on the Signing Keys tab
- Under the relevant device select ‘add a key…’
- Give the key a title (this can be anything)
- Input the alias of the keystore as defined by the <ALIAS_NAME> parameter in the above commands
- Choose the file from your filesystem and press ‘submit key’
Add a Keystore to an App
To connect a keystore to a particular PhoneGap app follow these steps:
Firstly, ‘unlock’ the keystore you want to use:
- Go to
- Click on the Signing Keys tab
- On the right of the keystore press the yellow padlock
- Enter the certificate password
- Enter the keystore password
- Press ‘submit key‘
Android Application Project
Secondly, add this key to the app:
- Go to and select an app by clicking its name
- Select a keystore from the dropdown menu next the Android icon (as in the image below)
- Press Rebuild to compile your app using the new keystore
– Sam
If you found this helpful and are interested to find out more about the projects we work on, look at joining our team or just want a cup of tea, leave a comment or email us, we’d love to talk to you. /2018-next-generation-science-source-answer-key.html.
Generate Hash Key Android Application Facebook For Pc
Facebook uses the key hash to authenticate interactions between your app and the Facebook app. If you run apps that use Facebook Login, you need to add your Android development key hash to your Facebook developer profile.
This article share the process of generating a key hash for Facebook integration with android using openssl
- Download openssl from Google code (If you have a 64 bit machine you must download openssl-0.9.8e X64 not the latest version)
- Extract it. create a folder- OpenSSL in C:/ and copy the extracted code here.
- Detect debug.keystore file path. If u didn’t find, then do a search in C:/ and use the Path in the command in next step.
- Find the keytool path which is in Jre directory. (C:Program FilesJavajre7bin)
- Detect your keytool.exe path and go to that dir/ in command prompt and run this command in 1 line
keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore “C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator.androiddebug.keystore” – “C:OpenSSLbinopenssl” sha1 -binary ”C:OpenSSLbinopenssl” base64